"*" indicates required fields
Step 1 of 15
Parents/guardians are asked to identify their children/students as being Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis), or of non-Indigenous ancestry, during the school registration process. The choice to identify is voluntary and confidential.
This information is stored electronically and in paper form, in the student’s cumulative file. It is secure and access is limited to Prairie South and the SK Ministry of Education. All employees within Prairie South Schools are to adhere to Administrative Procedure 180 “Guidelines for Protecting the Privacy and Confidentiality of Personal Information” and “Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (LAFOIP)”.
Why self-declare?
Some individuals may be hesitant to self-declare as an ethnic group member for fear of being marginalized or because of past experiences. Information on a self-declaration form is used solely to help define programming and services to assist in the success and achievement of Indigenous students in and throughout their schooling experience. “Being proud of our culture and history impacts student confidence and creates a stronger sense of belonging” (Living Sky School Division, 2020).
First Nations / Registered / Treaty / Status (refers to an individual recognized by the federal government as being registered under The Indian Act)
First Nations / Non-Registered / Non-Status (refers to a First Nations person who is not registered under The Indian Act)
Métis (refers to a person of mixed First Nations and European ancestry who identifies as Métis, as distinct from First Nations, Inuit, or non-Aboriginal)
Inuit (refers to a person who identifies as Inuit, as distinct from First Nations, Métis, or non-Aboriginal)
If student resides within the school’s boundary area, check the appropriate box below.
Guardians of the student must be identified to ensure each party’s rights are respected. If an order affecting guardianship rights, custody, or access rights exists please indicate which by selecting the appropriate option(s) below.
Who should be contacted in case of an emergency if parent(s)/guardian(s) cannot be reached?
In the event buses do not run due to bad weather conditions, bus failure or an emergency, we require a billet home for your student in the same town as they attend school.
NOTE: The school will be contacting you directly to verify name, birth date, and citizenship.