French Immersion Education in Prairie South School Division
French immersion programs in Canada are educational programs in which a child, whose first language is not French, studies in French at school. Research has shown that French immersion is the most effective way for a child to become functionally bilingual. French immersion programs in Canada allow students to learn French as a second language and thus master both of the country’s official languages (ACPI).
Depending on the type of program, English language arts (ELA) is introduced at different times. In French Immersion, the introduction of ELA may be in Grade 3 in order to maximize the benefits of learning French, the language of instruction in that program. Note: Due to the interdisciplinary structure of grades 1 and 2 French Immersion curricula, the required areas of study are integrated. As such, specific time allotments for each area of study are not required.
A minimum cumulative total of four credits taken in French is required for Grade 10, eight credits for Grade 11 and 12 credits for Grade 12.The 12 courses necessary for bilingual mention must include three French language arts courses (Français Immersion 10, 20, 30). The other nine credits can be obtained from courses in the remaining areas of study or electives that are taught in French.
Please refer to the Registrar’s Handbook(Sections 1.5 Time and Credit Allocations – French Immersion (Bilingual) and Frasaskois; 1.6 Areas of Study – French Immersion (Bilingual) and Fransaskois; 1.7 Electives – French Immersion (Bilingual) and Fransaskois) for additional information regarding French Immersion Programming requirements in Saskatchewan.